How to Use Smart Parenting to Help Kids Make Smarter Choices

How to Use Smart Parenting to Help Kids Make Smarter Choices

Whether in school or real life, when we let kids make more choices on their own and experience the results rather than demanding the controlled outcome or the one right answer, they get better at...
9 Reasons Why You Need to Deschool to be an Effective Homeschool Parent

9 Reasons Why You Need to Deschool to be an Effective Homeschool Parent

Deschooling is leaving a mindset of institutionalized learning behind and rethinking how YOU want to educate your kid. Whether or not you homeschool, you can do this by shifting your mindset and supporting your kid’s...
How Eclectic Homeschooling Became My North Star

How Eclectic Homeschooling Became My North Star

Our process was cohesive even though we were charting our own course. If I had to explain it to someone on the outside, I might say we chose attributes from many philosophies: Independent, self-directed learning...
12 Lessons Homeschoolers Need to UNLearn

12 Lessons Homeschoolers Need to UNLearn

Sometimes unlearning is the path to real learning.  I learned to create a child-centered approach to homeschooling that worked for us.   I had to rediscover my love of learning. First I had to learn how to Unlearn what...